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The users office covers 15 instruments listed below.
Instruments for neutron beam
experiments and irradiation facility
Beam port | Instrument name | ||
1G | HRPD | High Resolution Powder Diffractometer | JAEA |
2G | TAS-1 | Triple-Axis Spectrometer | JAEA |
3G | PNO | Apparatus for Precise Neutron Optics and Neutron Diffraction Topography | JAEA |
7R | TNRF | Thermal Neutron Radiography Facility | JAEA |
T1-4-1 | PGA | Prompt Gamma-ray Analysis System | JAEA |
T2-1 | RESA-1 | Diffractometer for Residual Stress Analysis | JAEA |
T2-3-1 | MUSASI | Multi-Purpose Thermal Neutron Application and Science | JAEA |
T2-4 | TAS-2 | Triple-Axis Spectrometer | JAEA |
C2-1 | LTAS | Low energy Triple-Axis Spectrometer | JAEA |
C2-2 | SUIREN | Apparatus for Surface and Interface Investigations with Reflection of Neutrons | JAEA |
C2-3-3-1 | CNRF | Cold Neutron Radiography Facility | JAEA |
C2-3-3-2 | CHOP | Test Port With Chopper | JAEA |
C3-1-2-1 | NOP | Apparatus for Neutron Optics | JAEA |
C3-2 | SANS-J | Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument | JAEA |
PN-3 | PN-3 | Irradiation facility for activation analysis | JAEA |